Essential Tips for Successful HOA Meetings in Roswell, GA

Essential Tips for Successful HOA Meetings in Roswell, GA

Over 2.5 million homeowners serve as HOA board or committee members. Many of them volunteer and give up their time to improve their community.

That doesn't mean everything always goes smoothly when they come together. They often waste time over disputes or unclear procedures.

Read on to learn how to have successful HOA meetings in Roswell, GA.

Follow Notification Requirements and Parliamentary Procedure

Annual homeowner meetings require at least 21 days' notice. Provide residents and board members with the:

  • Meeting date
  • Time
  • Location
  • Agenda

You also need to follow parliamentary procedures. They're a formal set of rules met to facilitate meetings. Robert's Rule of Order is the most common set of rules that most HOAs use.

Create an Agenda

An agenda needs to be included in your meeting notice. It's a strategic plan that guides your meetings.

One of the best HOA management tips is to use a standard template for each agenda. Make sure to include the:

  • Meeting name
  • Time, date, and location
  • Homeowner open forum
  • Call to order
  • Roll call
  • Approval of previous meeting minutes
  • Action items
  • Officer and committee reports
  • Old and new business
  • Budget presentations
  • Presentations of the committee's financial health
  • Presentations of any projects
  • Addressing homeowner's concerns
  • Adjournment

Set Timelines for Items

One of the most effective HOA strategies is to focus on the most pressing issues. This keeps the meeting from going too long and keeps the group engaged.

Set time limits for every agenda item. Note the duration of each topic and aim for 60-90 minutes for the whole meeting.

Another important piece of HOA board advice is to control homeowner input. Allow them to submit questions and suggestions before and after meetings. Add their suggestions to the next meeting's agenda.

Take Minutes

Have the board secretary, appointed recorder, or another trustworthy member take detailed meeting minutes. Keep them free of errors, succinct, objective, consistent, and properly distributed and stored.

The minutes provide a written record of everything that happened in the meeting. It can be referenced later to solve disputes and keep all board members accountable.

Communicate With Residents

One of the keys to getting homeowners to attend HOA meetings is to make sure they know about them. Use multiple channels to let them know when and where they're happening, including:

  • Community websites
  • Newsletters
  • Email

Provide clear community updates to board members and residents. Be responsive to any of their questions or concerns.

Create a Community

Use meetings to set up and pay for social events. They'll help residents connect.

HOA maintenance is also key to communal living. It ensures that the homes and the areas around them are well-maintained.

Maintenance vendors are an essential part of your community. Find and keep the best landscapers, maintenance workers, and service providers. They'll be ready to come to you when any issues arise.

Have a Manager Help Control HOA Meetings

Leading successful HOA meetings means following the law, creating an agenda with timelines for each item, taking minutes, communicating with residents, and creating a community.

PMI Roswell is a full-service Roswell, GA community management company. We customize our services to each community's needs.

We protect and enhance the community's property value while making them comfortable living places. Contact us to get a trusted property management partner today.
